2024 the best mice traps review

Price: $11.99 - $10.78
(as of Oct 23, 2024 01:01:15 UTC - Details)

► Mouse Traps Specification

Material: ABS Plastic and Stainless Steel
Size: 3.9 x 1.7x 2.0 in
Product weight: 40g/piece
Package Include: 6 * Mouse/Rat Trap

► Warning

1. Handle with absolute care and avoid pinching fingers.
2. Keep the trap out of reach of children and pets.
3. After setting the trap, never touch it with your hand.

If you want to release the trap, please use a stick or other tool. PLEASE DO NOT INJURE YOURSELF
Safe to use - No glue, no touch design, very safe to use and no more worrying of snapping fingers. Easy to clean odors and blood.
Easy to use and set - Just put a bait in the cup, and put it back to the mouse trap, keep the trap clamp open, you can place the mouse traps both outdoor and indoor use.
Efficient and high sensitivity - These mouse traps are more effective and safe compared to traditional wood or metal traps. Only 0.025 lbs of weight can trigger the trap. With powerful stainless steel spring, these traps are suitable to catch small mice.
Completely eliminate mouse - Using electronic ultrasonic equipment just let the mouse escape temporarily, they will no longer afraid and return after a period of time. With our best mouse trap, catch the mouse to avoid mice come again.
Friendly Customer Support - If you are not satisfied with our product, we will try our best to help you!
Reviewer: BKW
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Easy to Use and Work Great For Price!
Review: I was skeptical as there are always people who give bad reviews. But I was also desperate. I live in the country so occasional mice are an issue but this seems to be an infestation larger than normal. Poison wasn't working - probably poisoning one mouse but not the batch. I liked the look of these for easy set up and because they were re-usable. The traps came this afternoon. I only set up 2 of the 6 from the pack. Super easy. Within one hour of setting it up (while I was sitting in the same room!) the trap went off and I had my first mouse. Disposed of it in 2 seconds and took another 2 seconds to re-set the same trap. I didn't even need to rebait it. Within another hour and a half (still sitting in same room) I had my second mouse (same trap). These do the job and even if they do konk out after a few uses it will be worth the money as they are cheap for the price. One note - I used a VERY tiny amount of peanut butter (like half a pinky nail in size and put it down deep in the bait bowl. Don't pile it up or use a lot as it gives the mouse the ability to possibly eat and retreat without setting anything off. By putting it down in the cup he has to reach his head in there for it. Likewise, don't avoid the cup and put it back further in the trap....the bait bowl seems designed to make sure their neck is in line when it closes. If you put the bait too far back in the trap you may not catch its neck so use as directed, I will definitely buy these again if I need them!!!!Update - still working great. Still using same 2 traps. 4 mice caught so far by these traps (3 in one trap, 1 in another) and I haven't had to re-bait either trap yet. I don't know why I wasn't using these all along so much faster and more effective than poison!Update 4/16 - 1 year later and still going GREAT! I have still only used 2 traps out of the entire pack. The springs are still working fantastic and they are just as lethal as when I bought them a year ago so WELL worth the price!!! They continue to work after more than a year, and I still have spares if/when I need them. There is no blood or mess so the traps don't get gross. This is a clean kill to the skull or neck. I just toss the dead mice out and reset - and occasionally refill the little bait cup with fresh peanut butter. If these are not working for you then you are not setting them in the right place. I have two different types of mice getting in because I'm in the country. Normal "house" mice and lighter brown field mice. These traps have long since exterminated the regular house mice so they worked to get rid of this type 100%....but then I started getting field mice. I think they found a way into my sunroom from the outside wall. At any rate. At first, the traps would not catch them, and were even going off at times w/o catching anything. The trap would be snapped closed - but no mouse. I quickly realized these new mice were coming and going in a different part of the room. The place I had set the traps that worked on the house mice was not ideal anymore because the paths they were moving along were different. So I moved the traps to where I saw and heard the activity. Now these same two traps are catching field mice like gangbusters. I went from catching 2 mice a day to every other day to now only once every 1-2 weeks so I am sure I'm getting this infestation under control as well. If you know you have mice but are not catching anything try these tips: 1. Put the trap against something like a box or a baseboard so that it is parallel to that object. Do not set them out in the open. Mice like to keep to the walls for safety and feel exposed if they are in the open. The traps that do best for me are always the ones where the trap is set right against a vertical surface like a wall or a box so that the mice encounter it while running along their "safe" paths. 2. If the traps keep going off but you are not catching anything there are two possibilities. One - you have rats not mice and the traps are too small. Two - they are not getting far enough into the trap and are able to jump free when it triggers. One solution to try is to only put a tiny bit of peanut butter way down inside the bait cup rather than over-filling the cup with a huge hunk of peanut butter. Using less makes them have to reach further in to get the bait. Less is more. Also...remember to refresh the peanut butter occasionally. It gets dry and crumbly and fresh stuff works best. My mice don't last long enough to eat the bait so I eventually have to clean out the crusty peanut butter and put in new stuff. Then the traps start catching mice again. 3. TIP: Remove all sources of food from the area or put it in plastic bins. I figured out what caused my two infestations. I had a bag of granola bars that had fallen behind something and was attracting them. Even if food is in a bag like pretzels etc...they can still smell it and will keep coming back.

Reviewer: Pam Minkley
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Two nights, 3 traps, 5 mice
Review: We have not had a problem with mice in 20 years in this house. This year, we started seeing signs they might be in our basement furnace/utility room. I researched how to trap mice and new style traps. I believe this 12 pack was a GREAT investment. I got 12 thinking they wouldn't last long. I WAS WRONG. These are tough little things. We have shelves with extra pantry items in there. It has not ever been a problem with canned goods, chips, cookies, boxed cereal etc.Apparently mice like peanut butter crackers in the 6 cracker snack packs. They snacked on multiple packages of crackers in a large open box 32 packages with about 8 packs left. Several packages were chewed open with one or two crackers partially eaten and the box littered with their tell tale poop.I removed one chewed on cracker package and put it beside the box. I set one trap outside the box by that cracker package leaving 4 partially eaten packages in the box. I put 2 traps inside the box. All traps had peanut butter in the bait tray. They are like a big clothespin about 1.5 inches wide with teeth on the top and bottom like a big rectangular open mouth. see pictureFirst night all three traps had mice. Second night night one inside and one outside the box.The traps were VERY easy to set. I worried they weren't as strong as the wooden spring traps. However, I tripped one when I dropped it into the cracker box and it snapped so hard it "jumped" off the pile of cracker packages I set it on. It' clearly was powerful enough to get the mice from any angle they entered...most often it looked like they entered from the side.In the AM when I checked the traps I just had to pick them up like a clothespin, took them outside in the woods, squeezed the clothespin like trap open and dropped them there. I just set them again with the same peanut butter in the bait trap.They are easy to bait and wash. The bait tray comes out to fill and to clean without having to set the trap and you can open them like a clothespin without "setting" them so you can easily wash them without risking your fingers.One warning. They almost look like toys. While a young child couldn't squeeze them enough to set them, our 8 year old great grandson could easily do it and immediately started clipping them together like clothespins when we were unpacking them. He quickly discovered they clicked open and wondered why. Thankfully we were unpackaging them together so we demonstrated how they work together with a piece of paper as a mouse. The tooth marks in the paper were a visual warning of their power. See picture & videoI'll be setting them all over to see what happens. I'm hoping we run out of mice SOON. REMEMBER to set them in the expected runways of the mice and they can be triggered easily from 3 sides! This really is a BETTER MOUSETRAP! Well worth the $$$. I think the only way I'll lose one is if (when) the kids and grandkids want to try them....they won't come back. Good Luck.

Reviewer: Setonmom
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Easy and safe to use! Effective
Review: Product arrived. Saw critter at 5:30. Set trap by 5:35. Went out. Came home at 8. Dead as a doornail. Easy to grab trap and dispose.Not like the wooden ones. Little risk of trapping your fingers. And cheaper than an exterminator.Buying more. No unneeded cardboard packaging! Great product. Definitely worth the price.

Reviewer: Sam B.
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Work great. Easy to set.
Review: These are not the highest quality, but what do you expect for economical mouse traps. They do work great. They are worth every penny. I have eradicated our garage of mice. About 7, in just under a week. Haven’t had a mouse in 3 months. Whatever you do, don’t use poison. This is the most humane way to kill a mouse - way better than glue traps.

Reviewer: Brittany W
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Work great. Really easy to set
Review: These mouse traps work great and our easy to use. They do loose some sensitivity after time and I’ve noticed after a few years they do not snap closed any more, probably because they sat in the open position too long. Most the time we bait them with peanut butter or the mouse gel you can also purchase, but we have also just set them in paths we can tell the mice frequent. (We can tell because there is lots of mouse poop in that area.) Both strategies work well.Another option we have used are the humane traps that are a little transparent tube the mouse gets stuck inside. These are nice for when you want to catch the mice and release them somewhere a few miles from your home. We did notice the same issues with sensitivity after some time but it took much longer.Overall would recommend multiple types of bait and traps so you can catch mice that like different things as silly as that sounds.

Reviewer: PMC
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I happened to see a mouse in my apartment on Sunday, ordered these the same day. They arrived on Tuesday, I set them up, and on Wednesday morning I had TWO dead mice in my kitchen... Holy cow, talk about effective!I've bought mousetraps like this before, but that one was (a) more expensive, and (b) a lot heavier-duty. Taking them out of the package, they seemed to be made of plastic and a lot lighter duty than the old metal ones I bought and have since lost. I thought for a moment that they wouldn't even be able to kill a mouse!BOY WAS I WRONG.A six-pack for this price is FANTASTIC. What a deal! The traps clearly work — no muss, no fuss, no mousey guts to clean up — and they have some nice features to them too.Reading other reviews, I did exactly as others did. I took out the little bait compartments — how handy is not having to put your fingers INSIDE the trap to load it up? — put in a little bit of peanut butter — the little barrel takes very little, something I was ALSO worried about for NO GOOD REASON — and added a piece of cereal (Tim Horton's Apple Fritter to be specific). I had to break the pieces into quarters to get them to fit, but that's another point in the product's favour, if you ask me: you don't have to use very much bait at all...Squeeze the back to prime the trap and put it on the floor facing the wall or a junction between counter and major appliance (oven and fridge in this case) and away you go. Set it and forget it. I woke up to TWO dead mice in the morning when I thought there'd only be one! One of the traps had flipped over so I was staring at Mickey's belly while Minnie was showing me her back, but they were dead as doornails.Hold the trap over a garbage bag, squeeze the back, and out fall the mice. RIP little guys (or gals). I thought about adding photos of the late rodents to the collection of other images other reviewers have posted, but I wanted those little squeakers GONE so I didn't bother. Into the trash they went.The traps are currently reset and once again in the kitchen — and with six of them, I've got more than enough if a whole gang decides to drop in — and while I hope I don't see another mouse, I'm fully confident that these traps will take care of 'em.The choice couldn't be simpler: buy these traps if you need to kill some mice. You won't regret it. Just remember that peanut butter helps hold the solid bait in place so the poor mouse HAS to really get in there to get their last meal, and the smell probably invites them in.

Reviewer: Dr Roger G Kermode
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Excellent quality product, baited the traps with combinations of peanut butter and bacon. 4 traps triggered, 3 rats caught. Easy to bait the trap using the removable twist in bait holder, Easy to pick up the trap afterwards and put the dead rats in a bag for disposal without touching any part of the body. Well thought out out effective design and implementation. Highly recommended.

Reviewer: Cread
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: ease of use, safe for fingers, caught mice within an hour. First mouse trap that delivers as promised and I recommend, a great purchase. Easy to bait, set and dispose of vermin.

Reviewer: Barn
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: A few days ago one of my security cameras filmed a rat climbing our security screen on the front door in the middle of the night.So, I thought I'd better do something about it.Have had a family of rats years ago living in the walls and crevices of the house which I managed to exterminate.So I looked on ebay and Amazon for a solution.Found a good deal with this six pack and thought " what a bargain ".They arrived within a couple of days and that night I set them up and placed them in areas that I thought the little critters might wander.NO LUCK. BOO HOO!!So the next night ( last night )I set them up again using peanut butter and cheese ( I used just peanut butter the first time ).I also moved some of them into different positions.Remembering that it's not only how you set the trap, but where you put them.Well, that did the trick and I caught one!!!I also caught a cane toad in one.How the hell that happened I'll never know!!!These traps are really sensitive and can be put in the weather outside.Made of tough plastic with a very strong spring incorporated into it.I was hopeful and sceptical all at the same time.But my worries have been answered.At the moment I'd recommend these traps to anyone with the same problem.I'll be setting them again tonight. The hunt is on.Cheers

Reviewer: Christian St-Laurent
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Only used it for small mice. Caught my prey only hours after setting up the traps.Much more pleasant to set up than the old wooden ones with the removeable food/bait tray.It isn't very big so you might want to find something else if you know you're dealing with rats and such instead of mice.I wish they would sell smaller quantities to get them cheaper, but I guess you can give one to people you know who don't have mouse traps at home.

Customers say

Customers like the ease of use, performance, and ease of cleaning of the product. They mention it's safe to set up, works great, and is easy to dispose of the carcasses. Some also like the value for money and ease of baiting. However, some customers have mixed opinions on the durability, mouse trap quality, and catching ability.

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