2024 the best colleen hoover books review

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In this “brave and heartbreaking novel that digs its claws into you and doesn’t let go, long after you’ve finished it” (Anna Todd, New York Times bestselling author) from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of All Your Perfects, a workaholic with a too-good-to-be-true romance can’t stop thinking about her first love.

Lily hasn’t always had it easy, but that’s never stopped her from working hard for the life she wants. She’s come a long way from the small town where she grew up—she graduated from college, moved to Boston, and started her own business. And when she feels a spark with a gorgeous neurosurgeon named Ryle Kincaid, everything in Lily’s life seems too good to be true.

Ryle is assertive, stubborn, maybe even a little arrogant. He’s also sensitive, brilliant, and has a total soft spot for Lily. And the way he looks in scrubs certainly doesn’t hurt. Lily can’t get him out of her head. But Ryle’s complete aversion to relationships is disturbing. Even as Lily finds herself becoming the exception to his “no dating” rule, she can’t help but wonder what made him that way in the first place.

As questions about her new relationship overwhelm her, so do thoughts of Atlas Corrigan—her first love and a link to the past she left behind. He was her kindred spirit, her protector. When Atlas suddenly reappears, everything Lily has built with Ryle is threatened.

An honest, evocative, and tender novel, It Ends with Us is “a glorious and touching read, a forever keeper. The kind of book that gets handed down” (USA TODAY).

Reviewer: DonnaC
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: One of my favourite CoHo books, amazing!!
Review: It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover5 stars!!“There is no such thing as bad people. We’re all just people who sometimes do bad things.”So, this is what the morning after the night before feels like… no I was not wasted on alcohol or drugs (I’m tee-total and never touched drugs in my life) but this is an all new experience for me, a serious major book hangover. This was a book that brought me to my knees, both literally and figuratively. A book that was so all-consuming I could not put it down, not for one second. If I wasn’t reading it, I was listening to it.“Just keep swimming.”This is the book that kept me awake for most of the night as what transpired on those pages was dissected and analysed piece by piece. As my thoughts, feelings, opinions and emotions were spun around in my brain like a washing machine on full spin. These were the characters that never left me alone for a minute while my heart broke and my head hurt multiple, multiple times. This book was seriously that good and extremely thought provoking. This is a book that deserves to be read.“Everything is Better In Boston.”Colleen Hoover never ceases to amaze me. She is one of the few authors that I insist on going in blind, no synopsis, no reviews, nothing. She is the one author that I can guarantee will dazzle me with her natural, gifted talent. Writing that is pure, emotional, thought provoking, mesmerising, honest and multi layered. Layers upon layers of beautiful prose that you cannot help be consumed by and characters that are so realistic, so relatable that they consume you from first to last word. I lived and breathed It Ends with Us, raw, unadulterated story-telling at its finest. Colleen Hoover went above and beyond with this one, this was from the heart, from life experiences, I felt the honesty, the pain, the passion, every word, every sentence, every paragraph, every page, every chapter was written in Colleen Hoover’s blood and you knew it and you most definitely felt it. This was Colleen Hoover in words. This woman who is the epitome of humble, selfless, generous put herself out there and it is one book that I will never, ever, forget.“…I have never felt this alone. This broken. This angry. This hurt.”Lily Bloom was a stunning character, like Colleen Hoover herself, she was selfless and humble. She put others before herself, her personality was intoxicating and Colleen Hoover did an amazing job bringing her to life. While her story definitely has its ups and downs, Lily dealt with them maturely and with all the best intentions, while trying to keep herself and everyone else around her happy. Heart breaking decisions that were tough to make and harder to break, but made her stronger. Lily was a woman that learned from past mistakes, made by herself and those around her, she soaked up life experiences like a sponge and her positivity and empathy made her the woman she was. She was endearing, lovable she was just darn perfect.“One monumental life-changing thing at a time. Got it.”This is not a love triangle, far from it. This is a story about a woman that has only ever loved twice, and when she loves, she loves completely. Atlas was her first love, a boy that had nothing but gave everything. A boy that was her best friend, her confidante, her boyfriend until life wrenched him away. He had to do what he had to do but it didn’t make his loss any easier to take.“You saved my life, Lily…And you weren’t even trying.”Ryle, I adored him, despite his flaws, he was a man that wanted to be better, to be the man that Lily deserved. He had never loved, never wanted to, nor thought he deserved it, but meeting Lily changed everything, she was his game changer. What he had always thought was out of reach he grabbed with both hands. He loved hard, he loved fierce, he was passionate, protective and just a stunning human being, but even the biggest diamond has its imperfections.“It’ll destroy him for life, that’s what it’ll do.”The naked truth? Colleen Hoover destroyed me, one scene in particular I have running around my head on repeat and as I am sitting here typing I have streams and streams of tears running down my face. As much as I was uplifted and totally consumed by Lily’s story I had a deep sense of foreboding throughout. What I thought would happen, didn’t, thankfully, but having that in the back of mind constantly only added to my sense of unease and with each page turned I felt more and more sick. But and this is a huge BUT, nothing could have prepared me for how this book turned out. Definitely the right ending, but the raw, emotional out pouring onto those pages decimated me. My heart physically ached, I was distraught and at the end I wanted more. It may have ended with It Ends with Us (that title is PERFECT, the meaning behind it, gah, brought me to tears yet again) but all these characters have more to give, more life lessons to make and I’m hoping that Colleen Hoover can find it in her emotional arsenal to write more.“It stops here. With me and you. It ends with us.”Once again I bow down to the greatness that is Colleen Hoover, how can I read a book after that?“You can stop swimming now, Lily. We finally reached the shore.”

Reviewer: Aestas Book Blog
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: HOLY WOW! It Ends With Us is one of the most powerful books of 2016 and one of the most raw, honest, inspiring, and profoundly beautiful stories I’ve ever read. It wasn’t anything like what I expected, but it delivered so much more than I ever hoped for. This is the kind of book that I want to give to every woman and just be like… READ THIS BOOK. NOW. Come to think of it, all the men should read it too. EVERYONE should read this book. Absolutely everyone. It’s a story of unshakable love and finding the strength to make the right choice in the hardest situation. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been prouder of a heroine. I’ve loved Colleen Hoover’s books for a long time because she always writes unique stories… and this one left a lasting mark on my heart. It is a MUST-READ!!This is a completely spoiler-free review. I’m not even going to add the blurb or tell you what this book is about. It’s a Colleen Hoover book. That should be enough to tell you it’s amazing. But I really feel that you should just dive into this book without knowing anything about the plot. To be honest, I’m the usually the kind of reader who likes to know every little thing about what to expect in advance, but I’ve really learned to trust Colleen’s writing and her storytelling so even I went into this book without knowing anything at all… and I was blown away by the story!This book is unputdownable. You’ll notice as you read that there are no good stopping points. None at all. I began reading it late at night and every time I tried to put it down to go to sleep, I just had to get back up and keep reading because I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I didn’t finish until almost 5AM but my gosh was it ever worth it!Of all the heroines I’ve ever read, Lily was most certainly one of the ones I admired the most. I knew loved her from the first few pages, but having finished the book, I truly couldn’t be prouder of her. Her strength and conviction over the course of this story made her into a heroine I’d want every girl and woman to read about and look up to. She was so real and vulnerable as we all are, but the strength with which she took control of her life was admirable on such a deep level. I just wanted to hug her and cheer. I don’t think I’ve been this proud of a fictional character before.There’s an incredibly powerful message in this book that is very subtly woven in from the start. It begins in the first chapter, but you don’t yet realize how significant each of these moments truly are… and as you read more, these pieces of the story come together forming a scenario that gives such a raw, honest portrayal of an incredibly relevant issue. I’m not mentioning it on purpose because I don’t want you to expect it. The fact that it’s unexpected for you as the reader is very important because it’s also unexpected for the heroine. As she begins to realize what kind of situation she’s in, so do you. And this realization very much allows you to experience her journey with her.The only thing I want to address head on is the question of the ‘love triangle’ because a few of you have read the blurb and have asked about it. All I want to say is to please try and move away from that thought. I don’t want to spoil the plot at all, but that is so not what this book is about. That is not the point, or the focus. Whatever it is you’re thinking this book is, just trust me — it’s so much bigger than that. Seriously, trust Colleen. I did.As a romance reader, I found this book incredibly refreshing. As much as I adore the romance genre (and I really do), it sometimes can get a little repetative. As both an avid reader and a blogger, I’m always looking for books that step outside the lines a little; ones that do something different or take the issues a little deeper. This book represented exactly what I wish I could be reading all the time — not this literal story, but just the fact that it went in such a different direction and gave me such an unexpected story that left me with such a strong message.One of the things that intrigued me the most and had me wondering when I heard about this book was what the title really meant — and there’s this very specific moment when the title is echoed in the story that just had such a strong impact as I read it. That was my cheer moment. I just sat back and went ‘woah!’. The title is truly perfect.In order to write this review, I went back over the book a second time and one thing I noticed strongly was how many intricate layers there were to the story that I couldn’t possibly have known about in my first read. I loved that this is one of those books you experience differently (in a good way) both the first and second time though.I have to say that this book would make a seriously amazing movie. I could picture every scene so clearly as I read. This is also such an incredibly relevant story for many people — whether they’ve personally been through what happened to Lily or they know of someone who has — so I really do hope that one day this makes it to the big screen.My copy of this book is literally filled with highlighted quotes in every single chapter but I made a conscious decision not to add any to this review because I really truly do not want to give anything away about the story. Just trust me and jump into this story blind. I promise that it is a reading experience you don’t want to miss.This began as one of my most highly anticipated books of 2016 and it is now of my top favorite books of the year. I was unable to put it down from the moment I started reading and I know that this is one of those profoundly beautiful and unforgettable stories that will stay with me for a long time. I highly recommend it to everyone!"That’s what fifteen minutes can do to a person. It can destroy them.It can save them."Rating: 5+ STARS! Standalone.

Reviewer: TV
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: An emotional hurricane that’s raw, honest and powerful!
Review: It Ends With Us is an emotional hurricane that picks up speed and force as it goes along. The heartache and pain that is entangled with the love and hope had my heart racing! This story is honest, raw and powerful.She had two amazing friendships in this story that I am grateful for. One since she was young and one as an adult. Both just wanted her to be happy and chase her. One wanted to protect her but also not push her away while she came to her own realizations. The other didn’t sugarcoat and I even shouted out when her best friend knew the truth and said what she said! (Keep it spoiler free) The choices Lily made were thought provoking and I just wanted to reach inside the story and pull her out to a safe place but that isn’t the reality that a lot of people live. The strength it takes to live everyday with the unknown and survive shows the resiliency people have. I believe Colleen wrote this as a way of opening people’s eyes to both sides when people are quick to judge and as a way to heal. It steals your breath, tugs on your heart and just fills you with hope and love for a brighter, happier future that ends with us!Tracey, Life Reads With Friends Book Blog

Reviewer: Veronica
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: LOVE THIS BOOK! It Ends with Us is a romance story that also classifies in my opinion as a type of pseudo-thriller. Lily, a child with a lonely past, navigates adulthood and work life as she faces difficulties in her present and from her past. She meets Ryle early on, who is attractive but seems to be emotionally unavailable. And what is with her ex, Atlas, who mysteriously appears from the past? The book handles abusive relationships well and honestly it was a great read. This is one that I recommend!

Reviewer: Dominique Guenette
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Awesome read, was hard to put it down. Highly recommend. Great writing, storyline. Onto the film, can’t wait to see!

Reviewer: Cliente de Kindle
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Es el libro en inglés que más rápido leo. Además tiene unas citas hermosas

Reviewer: Diana Corral
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Excelente historia, conmovedora, reflexiva

Reviewer: Maria Isabel Benetti Carneiro
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: devastador! dou 5 estrelas!!!!este livro me quebrou em mil pedaços, chorei demais.me ajudou a abrir mais meus olhos em relação aos julgamentos que costumamos a fazer sobre as pessoas (mulheres) que passam por essa situação de abuso. inclusive, muitas vezes me peguei dando segunda, terceiras chances ao personagem, o que me fez repensar ainda mais, e se fosse comigo? eu teria a coragem necessária para me livrar?achei uma leitura necessária, e a autora cuidou para que abordasse o assunto da melhor maneira possivel

Customers say

Customers find the book compelling, captivating, and fabulous. They praise the writing quality as beautiful and understandable. Readers describe the emotional content as very emotional, heartbreaking, and passionate. They say the book makes them think about life and gives courage. They also mention it's an incredible story of love. Customers are completely invested in the characters, describing them as strong, unique, and honest. They also appreciate the humor.

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